Total Roofing & Cladding

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Are Standing Seam Roofs Noisy? (Tips on How To Reduce the Noise)

No doubt, standing seam roofs look amazing and modern. As an expert roofing and cladding specialist in Melbourne, I understand the growing popularity of these sleek and stylish roofing solutions. However, with their aesthetic appeal comes a common question among homeowners and building owners: Are standing seam roofs noisy?

While standing seam roofs have several benefits, including durability and a contemporary look, addressing concerns about noise is crucial for ensuring your comfort and satisfaction with this roofing choice.

In This Article
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Factors Influencing Roof Noise

So you’re considering or have a standing seam roof, but the noise factor is bothering you. Completely understand! As a roofing specialist, I’m here to provide insight into the variables affecting roof noise, particularly those sleek standing seam roofs.

Material Matters

Your standing seam roof’s material choice might greatly affect its noise. Metal roofs, especially those with standing seams, can produce greater noise than other materials. Metal can vary in thickness and type; thinner metals are typically a little louder.

Installation Technique

Picture this: a top-notch roof material installed poorly. It could be a more pretty sight or sound! The way your standing seam roof is installed can contribute to noise issues. If the panels aren’t secured properly, or there are gaps, it can lead to vibrations and noise, especially during windy days.

Underlayment Matters Too

What’s underneath your standing seam roof? The underlayment plays a crucial role in sound absorption. A quality underlayment can help dampen the noise of rain or hail hitting the roof. If your underlayment game is strong, you’re already a step ahead in the battle against unwanted roof acoustics.

Roof Design and Pitch

Unbelievably, noise can be affected by the pitch and form of your roof. Rain or hail may strike steeper pitches with greater force, which could result in increased noise.

Weather Situations

Mother Nature is fond of throwing a few curveballs. The wind, in particular, can increase noise levels. A light pitter-patter on a windy day can become a more conspicuous drumroll. So, that’s something to think about if you live in a place where strong winds are often.

Top view standing seam roofing - TRC

Are Standing Seam Roofs Noisier vs Other Metal Roofs?

Let’s get real about the noise level of standing seam roofs compared to their metal counterparts.

Standing Seam Showdown

There is a slight misconception that standing seam metal roofs are noisier than other metal roofs. Why? It all boils down to that vertical design; those seams can transmit sound, increasing the audibility of hail and raindrop impacts.

Corrugated Challenges

Let’s now discuss corrugated metal roofing. They may provide a symphony during a downpour and are also metal, but their sound is frequently somewhat fragmented due to their greater undulations. It feels like rain falling on several surfaces instead of a continuous display.

Ribbed Resilience

Horizontal lines on ribbed metal roofing can be found in the middle. At the same time, they may be less noisy than standing seam roofs because several other roofing materials still have some degree of noise absorption to the ribs

Smooth Sailing with Smooth Metal

Here’s a surprise twist – smooth metal roofs. These sleek surfaces can be less noisy than their textured counterparts. Less texture means fewer opportunities for sound to bounce around.

Coating Comfort

The type of coating on your metal roof can also play a role. Coatings can add a bit of thickness, absorbing sound and minimizing the drumming effect you associate with metal roofs.

So, are standing seam roofs noisier? They might be a tad louder than some other metal options.

But don’t let that rain on your parade just yet! Stick around because, in the next segment, I’ll spill some secrets on hushing up your standing seam roof and enjoying the sound of silence – or at least something close to it.

How to Reduce Rain Noise on Metal Roof

Got a standing seam roof serenading you with raindrop beats? No worries! Let me share some ninja moves to dial down that rain noise and turn your metal roof into a peaceful symphony – or at least something close to it.

Use Top-notch Underlayment

Make sure you have an excellent underlayment to start. A superior underlayment can serve as a sound attenuator, mitigating the impact of precipitation. It’s similar to adding a comfortable mattress to your roof to reduce noise.

Think About Insulating Your Roof

Insulation is a hero in the fight against noise and its role in controlling temperature. Your home’s interior and roof can be separated from one another by insulation to provide a sound-absorbing and sound-dampening barrier. It’s similar to adding a warm, sound-absorbing blanket to your standing seam roof.

Choose the Right Metal Thickness

Think about the metal’s thickness before choosing a roof made of it. Thicker metal panels typically produce less noise. It’s similar to having a stronger barrier against the drumming raindrops.

Explore Coating Options

The right coating can make all the difference. Certain coatings thicken the metal to increase its ability to absorb sound. Plus, coatings can enhance the longevity of your roof, so it’s a win-win situation.

Strategic Landscaping

Tall trees, shrubs, and other vegetation around your home can be natural sound barriers. They help break up the wind and reduce the impact of raindrops hitting your roof.

Professional Installation Check

Sometimes, it’s about something other than what’s on the roof and how it got there. Ensure your standing seam roof is professionally installed with meticulous attention to detail. Proper installation minimizes gaps and ensures panels are secure, reducing the potential for noise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Standing seam roof designs can affect noise levels. Certain designs with more ribs or larger seams may be better dispersing sound. It’s worthwhile to investigate several profiles and speak with a roofing specialist to identify a style that satisfies both your noise concerns and aesthetic preferences.

Like any roofing system, standing seam roofs gain from routine maintenance. Noise reduction can be aided by ensuring that panels are installed correctly, tightening loose panels, and preserving coatings. Regular professional inspections can identify and address such problems before they become loud annoyances.

While standing seam roofs are durable, walking on them may produce noise, especially if not done carefully. If access to the roof is necessary, it’s advisable to use walk pads or hire professionals experienced in working on metal roofs to minimize the risk of noise and potential damage.

Since standing seam roofs are made of metal, they may be audible during hailstorms. However, the right underlayment and insulation can reduce impact noise. For added protection, think about textured coatings or heavier metal.


Naturally, metal roofs produce noise during rain or hailstorms. We often tell our clients that while rhythmic tapping can be a part of the metal roof experience, there are practical steps to take the edge off.

From choosing the right materials to adding a bit of insulation, these simple measures can reduce the volume and let you enjoy the unique benefits of a metal roof without unwanted noise.

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