Total Roofing & Cladding

Standing Seam Roof

Standing Seam Roof Materials: How To Choose The Right Material

If you’re diving into stand-seam roofs, you’re aware that choosing the right material is a critical decision. After all, your roof isn’t just a protective shield; it’s a style statement and a long-term investment.

But how would you know you use a standing seam roof with the right material?

I’ve been installing standing seam roofs for
years, and let me tell you, the choice of material can make all the difference.

Let me tell you why!

In This Article
Steel standing seam roof - Total Roofing and Cladding

Understanding Standing Seam Roofs

Let’s kick things off by getting acquainted with standing seam roofs. Over the years, I’ve witnessed the growing popularity of these sleek, modern roofing solutions in residential and commercial settings. The standing seam roofs contribute to a contemporary aesthetic and provide a watertight seal, offering unparalleled durability and protection against the notorious Melbourne weather.

Why Use Standing Seam Roofs?

First, what makes standing seam roofing superior to conventional roofing options? Imagine your home having a roof that provides protection and a modern, elegant touch with clean, simple lines.

A standing seam roof is a type of metal roofing where the panels have vertical seams that stand above the flat surface. Unlike traditional roofing, the seams are raised, creating a visually appealing, modern look. The design also provides added durability and weather resistance.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Roofing Material

Every material has a unique set of properties, and knowing how they fit your particular requirements and tastes will help your roofing project be successful and last a long time.

You might be thinking, why do I need to know about this and why not leave this to the roofer that I will hire? 

Well, while it’s true that professional roofers bring valuable expertise to the table, having a basic understanding of standing seam roof materials empowers you as a homeowner.

While roofing professionals bring expertise to the construction site, your informed input ensures that the final result reflects your vision and needs. It’s a collaborative effort where your understanding of standing seam roof materials acts as a foundation for a successful and satisfying roofing project.

Moving forward, here are the factors you need to consider when choosing roofing materials.

Climate Suitability

Evaluate your location’s climate. Select a material resistant to the particular weather, such as strong winds, snowfall, rain, or bright sunshine. Certain materials, such as steel and aluminium, are known to be resilient in various climates. Whether dealing with scorching summer heat, heavy rainfall, or the occasional hailstorm, your roofing material should be a steadfast guardian against the elements.

Cost Considerations

In my early days as a roofing apprentice, I vividly remember the cost-conscious decisions that often shaped material choices. However, the true value lies in understanding the long-term savings associated with your roofing material. Melbourne’s vibrant culture comes with a bustling lifestyle, leaving homeowners with less time to worry about constant roof maintenance. Understand the initial costs and long-term savings associated with each material. While some materials may have higher upfront costs, they offer better durability and require less maintenance over the years. Consider your budget constraints and choose a material that aligns with your financial plans.

Maintenance Needs

Understnd each material’s demand for upkeep. Certain materials, like aluminium, require very little upkeep, while others could need regular coats or treatments. Think about your capacity and willingness to put in time and effort to maintain the roof.

Environmental Considerations

Analyse the effects of materials on the environment. Choose environmentally friendly products that are recyclable or composed of recycled materials. Eco-friendly qualities are well-known for materials like zinc and aluminium. Selecting materials with low environmental effects is one way to build a greener building.

Steel standing seam roof finish - Total Roofing and Cladding

Popular Standing Seam Roofing Materials

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of different standing seam roofing materials: 


One memorable project took me to the coastal suburb of Brighton, where the salty air posed a challenge for traditional roofing materials. Aluminum emerged as the hero, showcasing its lightweight nature and corrosion-resistant properties. The homeowners gained a durable roof and a stunning view without worrying about rust and decay.


Standing seam roofing is primarily made of steel.  Because of its durability, it’s a great option for places that frequently experience harsh weather, such as heavy snowfall, powerful hailstorms, or prolonged sun exposure. However, there is a significant consideration associated with steel. Because of its density, handling and installing steel panels requires more thought and preparation. The coatings are the key to this process; a well-coated steel roof will protect you from corrosion and last very long.

Actually, standing seam roofs made of steel are our personal favourite. here’s something inherently reassuring about the sturdy reliability of standing seam roofs made of steel. They stand as resilient guardians against the relentless forces of nature, making them our personal favorite for a multitude of reasons.


Copper is the king of roofing metals. It’s a statement rather than merely a covering. A copper roof has an unmatched sheen initially. It takes on a distinct patina with time that tells the story of decades. Selecting copper is a tribute to tradition, quality, and practicality. Nevertheless, it is more expensive. Although copper requires a larger initial outlay, individuals who value this metal’s timeless beauty will find that their investment eventually pays off.


The unsung hero of the standing seam roof industry is zinc. Its matte texture lends a subtle elegance to the piece. With time, a protective layer emerges that increases its durability. Even though other materials may be more well-known, those in the know are aware of the special properties that zinc offers. Making a lasting impression is more important than making a big one. Zinc is a substance that can withstand the test of time and age beautifully; it can be your best bet.

Coating and Finishes

Your standing seam roof’s silent protectors are its coatings and finishes. These finishes add an extra line of defence, whether the tried-and-true Kynar or other excellent possibilities. They guarantee that your roof stays durable and colourful while protecting it from UV radiation and preventing rust. Consider them as long-term, aesthetically pleasing roof life insurance. Selecting the appropriate coating is similar to equipping your roof with armour. At the same time, it may not be ostentatious; it guarantees durability and permanence.

Maintenance and Care Tips

Your standing seam roof deserves proper care to stand strong for years. Just like any part of your house, regular maintenance is key to ensuring its longevity and performance.

Here are some of our maintenance and care tips to help you keep your standing seam roof in excellent condition:

Regular Inspections Are Key

Giving your standing seam roof routine maintenance is important, just like you would your car. Please spend some time inspecting it regularly, particularly following inclement weather. Look for any potential damage, rust, or loose fasteners. You can save future, more expensive repairs by detecting problems early.

Remove Debris Quickly

Leaves, branches, and other detritus are just some marks nature tends to leave behind. Make it a routine to remove these quickly from your roof. Debris buildup can retain moisture, resulting in ice dams or corrosion in colder climes. Not only does a clear roof appear nicer, but it also works better.

Gentle Cleaning Goes a Long Way

Sometimes, your standing seam roof deserves a day at the spa! Use a low-pressure washer or soft-bristle brush to remove dirt and mildew. The use of harsh cleaning techniques could harm the protective coatings. Your roof will continue to be beautiful and functional with a little TLC.

Mind Your Footsteps

Handle your standing seam roof with the same care as delicate interior flooring. To prevent denting or harming the panels, take extra care when walking along the seams if you must walk on it for maintenance or repairs. Always use the appropriate safety gear, and consider hiring experts if you’re uncomfortable doing it yourself.

Address Repairs Promptly

Take your time with repairs. If you notice any loose seams, damaged panels, or signs of rust, address them promptly. Waiting can lead to more extensive damage and potentially compromise the integrity of your roof. A quick fix today can save you from major headaches tomorrow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Indeed, standing seam roofs are adaptable and appropriate for use in both commercial and residential settings. They are well-liked in contemporary residential architecture due to their visual appeal, and commercial buildings may rely on them because of their weather resilience and durability.

Even though standing seam roofs require little upkeep, routine inspections are essential. To preserve the roof’s lifespan, remove debris immediately, gently clean it, and take care of any repairs immediately. Regular treatment can stop minor problems from growing into bigger ones.

It is possible to place solar panels on standing seam roofs. The elevated seams offer a practical location to fasten brackets for solar panels without sacrificing the roof’s structural integrity. Working with a professional is advised to guarantee a secure and appropriate installation.

Seek for installers of standing seam roofs with experience. Verify reviews, get references, and ensure they have the required insurance and licences. A well-informed selection can be achieved by obtaining specific quotations and consulting with multiple contractors.

What is the best material for a standing seam roof?

Determining the “best” material for a standing seam roof depends on various factors, including your needs, budget, and aesthetic preferences. Each material has unique characteristics, and what may be best for one situation might not be ideal for another.

However, if talking about our general recommendation:

Steel is often considered a versatile and popular choice for standing seam roofs. It combines strength, durability, and a relatively lower cost than premium materials like copper. With proper coatings and maintenance, steel can offer excellent performance in a wide range of climates.

It’s important to note that the “best” material will vary based on individual circumstances and priorities. For instance, if the aesthetic appeal and historical character are crucial, copper might be preferred despite its higher upfront cost.

Before making a decision, it’s advisable to consult with a roofing professional who can assess your specific needs, local climate conditions, and budget constraints to recommend the most suitable material for your standing seam roof.

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